RRCA Club Challenge 10M |
Sunday, February 23 2025, 8:00am - 10:00pm
| Hits : 6478 |
Registration is now open fo this year's Club Challenge 10M. This is a great event open only to Maryland and DC RRCA clubs as a team challenge race. Our club usually bring 125 runners to the event and we have one of the largest representations amongst all the clubs. We will again rent a bus leaving from Courthouse in Arlington and Dupont Circle in DC.
You must be a currently registered member of the DC Road Runners Club member to register and participate in this race
Click here for more information and follow the link to race registration.
If you would like to ride the FREE DCRR bus to the race please register here: https://www.dcroadrunners.org/sign-up/club-challenge-bus |